DHL Careers redesign
Kick-off start
I started the project from analysing the current state of DHL careers website (pictured below), examples of the international German-based companies, e.g. Maersk, FedEx, IKEA, UPS, and own assumptions. The language was English for the sake of the assignment.
Current DHL Careers website that is used in Germany
Facing the problem
The main reason for the redesign is handling the complex problem of the shortage of drivers&couriers and warehouse employees.
I must admit, as it was an assignment test, I had no room to conduct full-scale research, however, I developed 5 directions, as I called them 'ideas circles' to work within in a time limitation.1) The way drivers&couriers and warehouse employees tend to look for a job. What is common/completely different/unique?
2) Job descriptions. What things are required and important for drivers&couriers and warehouse jobs?
3) Germany distinctions. Mentality, hiring process, law restrictions.
4) Competitors. Who is 'stealing' our candidates and how?
5) Reputation. What is preventing candidates from applying for DHL jobs?
Who are our users?
Among other viewers interacting with the carrier website, e.g. agencies, recruiters, current and former employees, I mainly focused on the target audience of potential candidates for drivers&couriers and warehouse jobs.
Besides requirements to have a work permit and live in Germany, a potential candidate could be:
- experienced, already employed but thinking of changing company;
- experienced, unemployed between-jobs;
- slightly experienced, improving qualification or ready to make a switch;
- inexperienced, students/graduates, unqualified, ready to get a qualification.
Applying is stress, but the job is a solution for lots of user's problems. Possible candidates who still haven’t applied to DHL, presumably experience the following issues:
- not enough experience/qualification
- once rejected in past
- negative reviews from contacts
- not enough time to apply / too complex applying form
- hard to apply on the computer / don’t have CV, etc.
- unfamiliar job titles
- don't want to build a career at DHL
From the candidate's perspective I worked out possible aspirations: as a Candidate, I want to work in DHL work in any company find myself relevant apply quickly earn (extra) money share less data show all my skills be the most suitable candidate be considered receive a clear response from a recruiter know everything in advance care about nothing rely on recruiter keep in touch with a recruiter contact experienced colleague be acquainted with all opportunities avoid career downgrade work until retirement compare to my current job etc.
Big idea
I came up with an idea to create a 'priority line' for drivers&couriers and warehouse candidates visible on every step but still not far more important than non-urgent hirings. Moreover, DHL still has lots of departments hiring and current lack of certain employees is a temporary issue, that's why design solution must be elastic and easily interchangeable for every future need.
Improving in general
- Keep enough support information just to convince the user to apply now.
- Avoid postponing and drawing away actions like save, apply later.
- Opportunities for all – no self-evaluation (am I experienced enough?)
- Less room for doubts – all doubts are on recruiter not on the candidate.
- Special call for target candidates – think of instant matching check (working permit, age, city, german-speaking, driving license, available ASAP – you fit in so far, leave your contact here we'll reach you out of turn).
Online hiring patterns
Jim is looking for a colleague! – Person based appeal
The usual working week of Jim is… – Personalised work description
Here is your future working place… – Visual acquaintance with job conditions
Our team, we are.. – Photos, corporate activities, social media posts
Success stories of employment – Personalised application description
Interview articles with executives/branch leads/team – Clear vision, strategy, future-proof outlook
Quick application procedure – Apply now, add info later, we'll contact you
Visualising a shortage of people
I believe that showing a lack of employees could go far then 'featured jobs' section. I'd rather recommend going for emotions and empathy. I came up with an idea of visual expressing the shortage of people by creating photoshoots especially for HR needs, for example, empty car seat, uniform on a hanger, gloves ready to use, missing chainring, freight transferring process missing a man, team with a gap between people.
User flow
I created a user flow for the target audience (drivers&couriers and warehouse employees) to display which path a user should go through to find a vacancy with extended interactions included. According to user types, I divided the flow into 3 parts: a direct autonomous path (for those who know what job they are looking for), an extended path (for doubters who need to be convinced), HR-supported path (for those who have questions or need some additional HR attention).
I prototyped layouts for the main steps of developed user flow (direct autonomous path) from the home page to the vacancy list/job search results.

Visual Design
I created a high-fidelity web and mobile UI designs for the main careers page based on the wireframed layout. I started with a manual analysis of colours, text styles and components of DHL web-appearance, and then I found an open-sourced DHL design system which helped me to polish my designs.
Desktop version before and after